It's one of those days. I'm feeling lonely, sad and blue. Sounds like the beginning verse of a tacky country song. I know, but I'm at a loss right now and I promised myself that in order to move forward with my life, in order to prove that I can make it as a writer, I had to write every day.
So that didn't turn out so well. However, I'm turning over a new leaf. No more woolgathering. I am going to just write. Let's call this a stream of consciousness type piece, shall we?
So...I'm at work. I know, not a very wise admission of me but for the record, it's a quiet day, and if I had work to be doing at the moment rest assured I'd be doing it. Instead, I'm sitting here by my lonesome, listening to my colleagues banter about restaurants they love to go to (which I've been to, and I can tell you that contrary to their ignorant and uninformed oppinions, all suck!)
Fine, I'm being a hater, but I don't care...I'm going to whine, I'm going to complain,I'm going to bitch, and I'm going to cry until I get my way. Hey...that sounds like the beginning of another pop hit!
I'm truly wasting my time and talent in my current vocation.
On to other news: I hate that all I can hear is whispering and giggling while I'm stuck back here in Siberia and nobody ventures back here to include me in the conversation, yet I guarantee that if I were to walk over to some body's cube and start whispering and giggling about random stupid bullshit, purposely excluding people, I bet that they would come over and want to join the party. This place sucks.
I better go before I start embarrassing myself. In fact, it's time for me to start playing the pity card. I'm going to wander pathetically past every one's office with a mournful look on my face. Some of my more sympathetic colleagues may beckon me into their offices offering me a seat. I may or may not accept. Depends on who asks me. If I accept the invitation, I will slump into a chair and most likely I will be asked the question, "What's wrong?" (Everybody loves gossip-and judging by the look on my face, they will figure I will give them something to talk about) And to this question, I will reply:
I'm fine! Why????
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