Friday, January 11, 2013


Ok, so I don't know how long this will last, so  forgive my rushing this morning. Both kids are down, and they were pretty good last night, except that Zachary, as usual, likes to test his lungs on us before he actually settles down for the night, which tends to take anywhere from 10 minutes to a half an hour.  My husband doesn't mind letting the boys "cry it out," which much to my mother-in-law's chagrin (will deal with her at another time) actually tires them out that they just fall asleep.

Anyway, my husband said his mother claimed to have heard the boys crying last night, which according to her leaves her with an awful feeling in the pit of her stomach,  causing her to come in and take over as only grandmas can and will, and of course, this leaves me feeling incompetent and irritated. So, before she comes down and interrupts the little privacy I have this morning I have to bang out these morning pages.

Not to mention I hear little (well, I can't really call him little-at 3 months the boy already ways 12 pounds and I' m positive he ways more now, since it's been a month and a few weeks since his and his brother Zach's last well visit. The boys will not stop eating, and if they are hungry-mon Dieu! I worry that our neighbors may call the cops on us because they think we are beating them to death! I feel like a cow trying to produce enough milk for these two guzzlers. 

In other news, my boys are smiling and cooing on the regular, which makes me feel good, especially since I swear I'm in a kind of competition with my mother-in-law and other relatives who I feel keep judging me. I know how crazy this sounds and yes, i know that the hormones are making me paranoid,  but I just can't stand anybody thinking that they are smiling and cooing for anybody else but their mama!

Awwww damn! .Zach's awake and full of gas, which means Noah is next, that's the lovely thing about twins: they do everything together! so folks, this morning's reprieve is officially over.

To be continued...

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